
Part of WLH’s development strategies is to create a research culture around Waldorf pedagogy. This is important not just because it is one of the demands in order for the programs to get accreditation, but also in order to develop Waldorf pedagogy and the content in our education programs. Together with Rudolf Steinerhøyskolen in Norway and the Snellman University College in Finland we have built up collaboration under the name Nordic Research Network in Steiner Education (NORENSE). Its purpose is to support research on an academic level, but also to support school development in the Nordic countries. With economic aid from the Waldorf schools among others, we have been able to support and initiate a number of research projects. You can read more about the work done in the pdf-file under NORENSE, in the menu to the left.

An effort is made to start a similar network on a European level. Information on research grants will be published on